IBM 5150A

IBM 5150A PC Computer was manufactured in 1983. It is shown here with all it software. Note the orginal Adventure Game. Used this computer running Adventure at the West Coast Vintage Computer Fair.
I bought my first IBM Personal Computer 10/8/1981 for $3600 (today $12,000) which was a lot of money. I bought it throught the IBM purchase Plan. Because of the demand, it was a lottery and I won an early delivery. I picked it up a ComputerLand in San Jose. My order was:
- System Unit $1517
- Color graphic adapter (card) $223
- 16k memory $45
- Game controller $39
- Printer adapter $89
- asynch comm adapter $96
- DOS $20
- Adventure game $18
- tech manual $21.50
- floppy diskette drive $366
- dot matrix printer $555
- 64k memory $344
- PASCAL $150
- EasyWriter $91